
BysubmittingafiletoMetaDefenderCloudyouaregivingOPSWATpermissiontosharetheresultsofyoursubmissionwiththecybersecuritycommunityand ...,However,avalidlicenseisrequiredforOPSWATCentralManagementtomanagecertainOPSWATproducts.Theseinclude:UserdevicesviaMetaDefenderEndpoint ...,MetadefenderCore1,4and8packagescomewitha15-dayevaluationlicense.ForMetadefenderCore12,16,and20triallicenses,pleasecontactus...


By submitting a file to MetaDefender Cloud you are giving OPSWAT permission to share the results of your submission with the cyber security community and ...

OPSWAT Central Management licensing

However, a valid license is required for OPSWAT Central Management to manage certain OPSWAT products. These include: User devices via MetaDefender Endpoint ...

1.3. Metadefender Core Licensing

Metadefender Core 1, 4 and 8 packages come with a 15-day evaluation license. For Metadefender Core 12, 16, and 20 trial licenses, please contact us at OPSWAT ...

License activation - MetaDefender Update Downloader

Generate a license file (.yml) · Navigate to OPSWAT Activation portal page - https://portal.opswat.com/licenses/activate (login required) · Choose right Package ...

License Activation

Select the Product and enter the Activation Key and the Deployment ID of your product license. Select Activate to confirm the license activation process.

Product Licensing - MetaDefender Cloud

MetaDefender Cloud comes in three different flavors: Standard, Professional, and Enterprise. All the information regarding our Product Licensing can be found ...

License Activation - Central Management

License Activation · Online Activation: The server will make a request to the OPSWAT license server for a license with your Activation key and Deployment ID.

License Activation - MetaDefender Core

To activate your installation go to the Settings > License menu in the Web Management Console. If you have no valid license, you will only see your ...

Activating OPSWAT Central Management license

To activate a product license for OPSWAT Central Management:. Navigate to Settings > License in the sidebar menu.

MetaDefender Enterprise Licensing - Get Started Today

The MetaDefender Platform layers market leading technologies and products to create comprehensive cybersecurity solutions for critical IT and OT environments.